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Crystal Bio CB-100 Media Filter Jepang

Update Terakhir
18 / 12 / 2019
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142 kali



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Detail Crystal Bio CB-100 Media Filter Jepang


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Crystal Bio media filter buatan Jepang yang menyerupai batu apung namun mempunyai pori-pori yang lebih banyak, lebih ringan, tidak mengeluarkan zat alami yang bisa merusak kualitas air, serta mempunyai permukaan 10x lipat lebih luas dibandingkan media filter yang lain. Jadikan kolam anda terlihat lebih crystal dengan penggunaan Crystal Bio. Dengan volume filter yang lebih kecil ( 20% ) dapat memperluas volume kolam namun kualitas air tetap terjaga. 1 Box Crystal Bio mempunyai luas 460 m2, tidak diperlukan volume filter yang besar, kita bisa memperbesar volume kolam sehingga lebih banyak pula koi yang bisa dipelihara dan tumbuh lebih cepat besar. Buktikan keunggulan Crystal Bio hanya dengan penggunaan 1 box saja akan merubah air kolam lebih mature dan crystal clear. The newest Bio-filter Medium suitable for 21st Century Nihon Kensetsu Gijutsu Co., Ltd. have been doing research and development on water purification media and have begun large-scale sales of the product, Crystal Bio.

This new product is made from a glass substance in Nihon Kensetsu Gijutsu Co., Ltd. It has an extraordinary porous structure of light-weight ceramic, which is obtained by burning the mixture of glass substance particles and foaming agent at high temperature of 900 ° C. It has jointly studied bio-filter for aquaculture with the Kyushu Laboratory of Aquatic Biology. We have conducted repeated examinations of the effect on water purification in the laboratory and on Ogata Koi Farm Co., Ltd. in Fukuoka, Japan. It has gained excellent results of biological water purification for this product. Excellent nitrification Crystal Bio has an extraordinary large amount of surface area because of its porous structure, which enables propagation of aerobic bacteria in it. Crystal Bio itself is a little alkaline and can buffer the pH of rearing water, which works to prevent the pH of water from dropping by accelerated nitrification. Easy maintenance Crystal Bio is made up of small particles with a 10 to 50 mm in diameter. This small, light weight medium can fit into any filtering tank and would save a lot of trouble, filling and cleaning. Cost effectiveness This product purifies the existing water, which means you aren' t required to use so much new fresh water to refill your pond with clean water. This will lead to a reduction of water heating cost because you will use the existing water, which doesn' t need to be heated, for a longer period of time. An actual pond using Crystal Bio in Ogata Koi Farm JAPAN use 50 m3 of Crystal Bio in 400 tons of water with circulation of water: 10 to 12 times / day ADVANTAGES: - Crystal Bio media has an Inter-connecting porous cell structure allowing for a massive biological surface area. - Crystal Bio helps prevent pH drop. - Helps reduce Nitrates - Suitable for multi-bay filters and trickle filters. CB-100 Crystal Bio Japanese Finest Filter Media Size of Particle: 30-50mm Volume: 100 ltr Box Weight: 15 kg Harga Normal: Rp. 1.800.000 Super Special Sale ( Harga SSS) : Rp. 1.750.000 Anda Hemat: Rp. 50.000 Kini tersedia dalam kemasan 1 kg dengan harga ekonomis Rp. 150.000

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